Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

About Faculty


Address: Fra Andrije Kačića-Miošića 26, 10 000 Zagreb
Temporary address: Kranjčevićeva 2, 10 000 Zagreb

Telephone: +385 1 4690 810
E-mail: ured.dekana@grad.unizg.hr

IBAN HR0223600001101219412
PIN 62924153420


Faculty brochure

The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Zagreb is the oldest civil engineering faculty in Croatia. It offers university education at an undergraduate (>750), graduate (>400) and postgraduate (>50 students) levels in all branches of civil engineering. It continually develops and advances higher education, scientific research activities and overall education, and actively participates in the development of the profession and in implementation of new technologies.