Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

University Interdisciplinary Specialist Programme

Master of Business Administration in Construction (MBA in Construction)

MBA in Construction (MBACon) is a university interdisciplinary specialist program in the field of business management in construction aimed at professionals who want to enhance their knowledge and skills required for demanding managerial positions in their companies. The program is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the complexity of the construction industry, introduce both theoretical and practical aspects of project management, and enable successful strategic leadership of the entire enterprise. Renowned Croatian and international university professors, as well as industry experts, will impart interdisciplinary knowledge to the participants.

The MBACon program's modular structure enables participants to tailor their studies to their specific jobs. Mandatory subjects cover important economic and construction topics, whereas elective subjects allow for further specialisation in current areas of the construction industry. Each course is structured into three parts: pre-module, core-module, and post-module, enabling efficient studying alongside career development.


The MBACon program is open to individuals who have completed a university graduate program or undergraduate program in civil engineering, architecture, or a related technical field, with a minimum of 300 ECTS credits and at least 2 years of work experience. The program is also open to individuals who have not completed a university graduate program in the relevant field, provided they pass differential exams as determined by the Study Council. In exceptional cases, individuals who have completed a professional graduate program may enroll in the program by passing differential exams as determined by the Study Council or by having at least five years of work experience in the field of study.


The MBACon program consists of 3 modules of direct instruction, each lasting for 9 days, held at the largest tourist and congress resort in continental Croatia – Terme Tuhelj. Accommodation with half board is provided for both professors, lecturers and participants at the hotel.

Lectures are delivered in a variety of formats, including interactive case studies, business simulations, and formal presentations  (depending on the course). Mandatory subject lectures takes place within two modules, while one module is dedicated to elective subjects, and the final module is designated for writing the specialist thesis and successful completion of the program.

The programme is designed to be completed over two years, over four semesters. During the first three semesters, lectures cover 10 mandatory and 4 elective courses. The fourth semester is dedicated to writing the specialist thesis. In addition to passing exams in all courses, students are required to write 3 seminar papers (one in each semester) and complete 2 critical reviews. Students must complete the program within a maximum of 4 years from the date of enrollment.

Specialist Thesis

In the fourth semester of the program, after attending all lectures, students propose a topic for their specialist thesis. In consultation with a potential mentor, the student initiates the topic approval process by submitting a request to the Study Program Committee for evaluation. Upon approval of the specialist thesis topic, the student begins writing the thesis. After successfully passing all exams and fulfilling other obligations, the student initiates the evaluation process for the specialist thesis. A Thesis Evaluation Committee is formed, and upon receiving a positive evaluation, a public defense of the thesis is scheduled.

Upon completion of the specialist program, students earn 90 ECTS credits and are awarded the academic title of Specialist in Construction Business Management.


Students who have attended and passed the subjects defined by the provisions of the Regulation on Required Knowledge in the field of project management receive a Certificate of Acquisition of 30 points in the field of project management.

Furthermore, for each completed semester, students acquire 15 points for professional development, and upon obtaining the academic title of Specialist in Construction Business Management, an additional 45 points.

Upon completion of the program, students receive an IPMA CPD Record & Proof of Participation diploma and a digital badge, providing evidence of their continuous professional development and participation in a program recognized within the IPMA Education & Training Registration System.

Upon completion of the program, students receive an IPMA CPD Record & Proof of Participation diploma and a digital badge, providing evidence of their continuous professional development and participation in a program recognized within the IPMA Education & Training Registration System.


The MBACon program is also aligned with the IPMA Recognition of Prior Learning & Achievement (RPL&A) requirements, allowing students the opportunity to obtain an internationally recognized IPMA Level D certificate upon completion of their studies through an adapted certification process.

List of Specialist Theses

  1. Legac, G. (2014) Introduction of road maintenance models based on the effects on service level. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Skendrović, V.].
  2. Šošić, D. (2014) Application of the Buildability/Constructability concept in the company Croatian Motorways. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Bošković, D.].
  3. Stipanov, D. (2015) The role of engineers in the implementation of projects according to the FIDIC Red Book. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Marenjak, S.].
  4. Čagaj, V. (2019) Strategic planning for small and medium-sized construction companies in the Croatian construction industry. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Cingula, M.].
  5. Ivaniček, D. (2019) Models of management of roadside land for ancillary activities on highways managed by companies owned by the Republic of Croatia. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Marenjak, S.].
  6. Perić, R. (2019) Guidelines for standardizing the conditions of contracts for project management financed by public funds in the Republic of Croatia. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Vukomanović, M.].
  7. Pevalek, M. (2020) The importance of marketing in a family construction company: Marketing plan of a company that, after several years of inactivity, restarts its operations. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Sinčić, D.].
  8. Jerman Vranić, M. (2020) The importance of communication and visibility in the preparation of large infrastructure projects. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisors: Burcar Dunović, I. and Lovrenčić Butković, L.].
  9. Crnjak, S. (2022) The role of hydroelectric power plants in the European Green Deal. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Omazić, M. A.].
  10. Jergović Šindler, I. (2022) Analysis of the overlap of project management and supervision services in the implementation of agglomeration projects. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Vukomanović, M.].
  11. Mustapić, I. (2023) Change in the agreed price in contracts for public procurement of construction works. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisors: Ernst, H. and Završki, I.].
  12. Matić, I. (2023) Investment analysis of a 3.5 MW solar power plant construction project. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisors: Završki, I. and Čadež, I.].
  13. Čondić, I. (2023) Profitability analysis of investments in sustainable buildings for rent. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisors: Završki, I. and Čadež, I.].
  14. Ćosić, R. (2023) Project tracking and control system for mobile network construction. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Završki, I.].
  15. Šimac, M. (2024) Lifecycle costs in the function of infrastructure project lifecycle management. Specialist paper. Zagreb: University of Zagreb. [Supervisor: Marenjak, S.].