- Laboratory is conducting tests according to a wide range of laboratory and field investigation methods
- Laboratory equipment includes equipment for soil classification (liquid limits, grain size distribution, aerometry), equipment for soil / rock strength characterization (fall cone test, direct shear apparatus, triaxial apparatus, direct shear apparatus for soil – geosynthetic interface strength, rock strength index apparatus, semiautomatic compression apparatus), equipment for soil / rock deformability characterization (six classical oedometers, a hydraulic oedometer, triaxial apparatus, semiautomatic compression apparatus), equipment for testing density of compacted soil with Proctor and other laboratory equipment (determination of carbonate content, ultrasonic pulse velocity tester, slake durability apparatus)
- Geodesy equipment includes total station, digital level, GPS, and two UAVs
- Field geotechnical equipment includes CPT/CPTU/SCPT machine for static penetration and drilling machine for drilling in both soil and rock (including the Standard Penetration Test)
- Geophysical equipment includes Seismic Refraction and Seismic Reflection, MASW, SASW, CSWS and GPR (with 100, 280, 400, and 1000 MHz antennas)
- Equipment for geotechnical monitoring includes inclinometer, deformeter, micrometer, clinometers, piezometers
- Equipment for testing geotechnical structural elements includes vibration
- Small glass tube for the Reynolds experiment
- Small pool for demonstrating local erosion of piers submerged into water
- Models: for observing outflow of liquid from small and large openings; for demonstrating local losses in pressure pipe systems; for demonstrating outflow under water control gates and hydraulic jump; demonstration of water seepage under dams; radial flow towards the well; of water hammer; of water masses oscillation
- Wind tunnel for measuring the forces on scaled engineering structures and structures shape resistance
- Wave channel equipped with a wave generator for observing the influence of waves on port and harbour constructions
- Electrocoagulation pilot device (EPD) for advanced water treatment technologies
- Weather Information Logging Device WILD (sensors: rain, temperature, humidity)
- Bridge Information Recording Device BIRD (sensors: water level, scour)
- General purpose flow flume
- Pressurised pipe system
- Hydraulic testing machine with the capacity of 3000kN (compression frame) and 200kN (bending frame), capable of performing force or deformation-controlled loading of samples (compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, flexural tensile strength, splitting tensile strength, toughness)
- Differential calorimeter for measuring heat liberation process in concrete and isothermal calorimeter for cementitious materials
- Chamber for simulation of freezing and thawing (-32 °C to 45 °C)
- System for measuring air void characteristics of hardened concrete
- Salt spray chamber and chamber for exposing materials to temperatures of up to 1400 °C
- Multichannel potentiostat device for testing accelerated corrosion behaviour of steel
- Infrared (IR) camera (640x480, temperature span: -40 °C to 1400 °C)
- Blower-door (80 do 7200 m3/h)
- Acoustic emission monitoring system (8 channel)
- Air jet sieving machine for determination of particle size distribution for fine particles
- Concrete rheometer CTPT for determination of flow properties of fresh concrete
- Instrument for evaluation of in-situ permeability of concrete cover
- Wireless corrosion rate measurement device
- Impact-echo testing instrument for evaluating defects in concrete structures
- Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) for microstructural analysis
- Device for determining the condition of the built-in material in the building during inspections
- Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) for analysis of pore structure
- Ground-penetrating handheld radar (GPR) with a centre frequency of 2.7 GHz
- Universal static testing machine, Zwick/Roell Z600E, is a universal tension-compression electro-mechanical testing machine with the capacity of 600 kN
- Multi-test console for dynamic and static testing of structural elements or structure models with 2 hydraulic actuators, with the load capacity of 600 kN and 250 kN (compression or tension), and with the maximum stroke of ±125 mm
- HBM MGCplus – high resolution DAQ system with more than 60 channels (DC, SG bridges, piezoelectric) which enable measurement of force, displacement, acceleration, strain, temperature, resistance, and current; appropriate for static and dynamic measurements (up to 20 kHz); equipped with CATMAN software
- National instruments - high resolution DAQ system with various modules (DC, SG bridges, piezoelectric) which enable measurement of force, displacement, acceleration, strain, temperature, resistance and current; for static and dynamic measurements; equipped with LabVIEW software
- Bruel&Kjaer3560C - DAQ system with 5 channels, suitable for the analysis and measurement of noise and vibration; the platform allows determination of modal shapes and natural frequencies by applying the Operational (OMA) and Experimental (EMA) modal analysis
- Electronic sensors and converters for measuring displacement, strain, force, acceleration, temperature, humidity, pressure, etc
- GOM ARAMIS optical measurement system for static and dynamic 3D measurement of coordinates, displacements and strain, suitable for the analysis of specimens of few centimeters up to several meters
- Universal Testing Machine for tensile and static puncture (CBR) tests of various geosynthetic materials (width of hydraulic grips: 250 mm; large grips Fmax = 100 kN, small grips Fmax = 5 kN; accuracy: 0.02 mm)
- GPR System with 1.0 and 2.0 GHz Horn Antennas used for pavement thickness measurement
- Transmissivity Equipment for transmissivity tests of geosynthetic drainage materials
- CEN/ISO Permittivity Equipment for permittivity tests of geotextile
- Dynamic Puncture Tester used to evaluate resistance of geosynthetics to damage during installation
- ATLAS SC600 Solar Simulator used to evaluate weathering resistance of geosynthetics (UV)
- Vibratory Sieve Shaker AS200 Control used for determination of geotextile apparent opening size (measuring range: 20 μm to 25 mm; amplitude: 0.2 to 3 mm)
- Analytical Balance AG204 used for determination of sample weight (accuracy: 0.1 mg)
- Halogen Moisture Analyser HR83 used for determination of moisture content
- Geosynthetic Thickness Devices used for determining thickness of geosynthetic materials (accuracy: 1 μm)
Field measuring equipment includes:
- devices for measurements of railway track geometrical parameters: digital device Graw TET 1000 for railways with track gauge of 1000 mm; digital devices Graw DTG 1000 and Graw DTG 1435
- device for measurements of longitudinal rail geometry and the quality of rail welds (digital measuring device Railprof 1000)
- devices for measurements of rail gauge and wheel gauge profiles: digital profilemeter Graw AB for measuring the profiles of wheels of railway vehicles; digital profilemeter Graw XY for measuring the profiles of rails, switches and crossings
- hand-held analyzers and sound level meters for noise measurements
- multipurpose devices: thermographic cameras and drones
- mobile hardness tester that operates according to the UCI method (Ultrasonic Contact Impedance);
- ultrasonic thickness gauge designed for general thickness measurements on a variety of equipment, having access to one side only
- coating thickness gauge with a full range of probe options for ferrous (F), non-ferrous (N) and dual ferrous/non-ferrous (FNF) operation
- fully portable adhesion tester
- flat jack system
- ultrasonic device with serial printer
- hygrometer with insulated electrodes for wood
- sclerometer, device for the determination of compressive strength
- cover meter and device for half-cell potential determination
- ultrasonic pulse velocity system for finding voids and cracks, and determining other material properties;
- device for measuring of electrical resistance of concrete
- microscope for determining cracks width
- multifunction measuring device with climate sensor and surface temperature sensor for moisture of wood and dew point; hand electrode for wood moisture measurements; pyrometer; climate data loggers;
- mini-videoscope
- u-value promo set; thermohygrometer set; resistograph with additional equipment and software;
- lightweight ultrasonic device with additional equipment and software
- drone with additional tablet; drone with infrared thermal and digital camera; including all accessories, additional equipment and processing software
- the live - lab is a single-storey mock-up timber building equipped with air conditioner, mechanical fan,
- solar panel pack and weather station with data logger and live monitoring system followed on SITEL Cloud.