Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost



Šifra: 93234
ECTS: 4.5
Nositelji: Antonia Treselj , nasl. pred.
Prijava ispita: Studomat

1. komponenta

Vrsta nastaveUkupno
Auditorne vježbe 45
* Opterećenje je izraženo u školskim satima (1 školski sat = 45 minuta)
Opis predmeta:
Smjer: Prometnice i Geotehnika
1.A Career in Transportation Engineering [2]
2. Road Structure [2]
3. Construction of a Road [2]
4. A Career in Geotechnical Engineering [3]
5. Tunnels and Tunneling Tools [2]
6. How to write a CV? [3]
7. The CV and Job Interview Questions [3]
8. Preparing for the Interview Skills ? Techniques, Tips and Advice [3]
9. Single presentations on Transportation Issues [3]
10. 3Transportation System Issues and Challenges [3]
11. The Light at the End of the Chunnel ? Revision of vocabulary [4]
12. What's so Special About Geotechnical Engineering? [3]
13. General Considerations in Foundation Design [2]
14. Special Foundation Problems [2]
15. Deep Foundations [3]
16. Presentations [3]

Smjer: Konstrukcije i TMK
1. How to Make a Good Presentation [3]
2. Professional Development [2]
3. Preparing for the Interview Skills -Techniques [2]
4. Career Job Hunting - avoiding potential job(interview) disasters - Tips and Advice [3]
5. Domes - A Short History [3]
6. Concrete structures: A New Headquarters I [3]
7. A New Headquarters II [3]
8. An Architect versus an Engineer [3]
9. Wembley Stadium [3]
10. Timber Structures [3]
11. Single students? presentations [3]
12. Hyatt Hotel Case Study [3]
13. Bridges - Types [3]
14. Interviews with Engineers [3]
15. Presentations/video [2]

Smjer: Hidrotehnika i Materijali
1. Environmental Engineering - Development & Scope [3]
2. Wellspring of the High Plains - Ogallala Aquifer [3]
3. Writing a Letter of Application / Job [5]
4. Interview Questions and How to Master Them [5]
5. The Secrets of Roman Concrete [3]
6. Who Builds Big? - Interviews [5]
7. Irrigation & Drainage Systems [3]
8. Environmental Matters [3]
9. Canals - Factfile about canal [3]
10. Engineering - Falkirk Lock [3]
11. Dams - Aswan High Dam - a Success or a Failure? [3]
12. Principal Construction Materials [3]
13. Stormwater and Floods [3]

Smjer: Organizacija građenja
1. Civil Engineering ? Subspecialties [2]
2. A Day in the Life of a Construction Manager [2]
3. Mission to Accomplish [2]
4. Projects [2]
5. Creating a CV ? How to write a CV? [2]
6. Writing a letter of application [2]
7. Design Solutions [3]
8. Job Interview Questions [2]
9. 1st colloquium [2]
10. Tender Action [3]
11. Professional Development [3]
12. Planning and building Permission [2]
13. Preparing for the Interview Skills - Techniques, Tips and Advice [2]
14. Selection of Contractors [2]
15. Single presentations - Case studies [2]
16. 2nd colloquium [1]
17. Career Job Hunting - avoiding potential job(interview) disasters - Tips and Advice [2]
18. Joint presentations [2]
19. The Company [2]
20. Formal and Informal Meetings [2]
21. Construction Site Organization - vocabulary [2]
22. 3rd colloquium [1]
Ishodi učenja:
  1. Razumijevanje i interpretiranje tehničkih tekstova
  1. , Smjer: Prometnice i Geotehnika
    A. Kralj Štih: English in Transportation and Geotechnical Engineering, course materials., , , .
  2. , Smjer: Konstrukcije i TMK
    Alemka Kralj Štih: English for Structural Engineering and Theory and Modelling of Structures, course materials, Zagreb, 2011., , , .
  3. , Smjer: Hidrotehnika i Materijali
    A. Kralj Štih: English in Hydro Engineering and Construction Materials, course materials, Zagreb, 2010., , , .
  4. , Smjer: Organizacija građenja
    A. Kralj Štih: English for Construction Management, course materials, Zagreb, 2011 Organizacija građenja), , , .
Preporučena literatura:
  1. , Smjer: Prometnice i Geotehnika
    1. D. Bonamy: Technical English 4, Pearson Longman, 2011.
    2. Internetove stranice programa Building Big, Brantacan, ASCE.
    3. Z. Vulelija: Ilustrirani rječnik arhitekture i građevinarstva - hrvatsko engleski i englesko hrvatski, Masmedia, Zagreb, 2010.
    4. A. Prager: Trojezični građevinski rječnik, Masmedia, Zagreb, 2002., , , .
  2. , Smjer: Konstrukcije i TMK
    1. Williams: English for Science and Engineering, Thomson ELT, USA, 2007.
    2. V. Lambert, W. Murray: Everyday Technical English, Essex, 2003.
    3. V. Hollet: Tech Talk, Oxford, 2005.
    4. Programi Američkog društva inženjera građevinarstva (ASCE) i Britanskog društva inženjera građevine (ICE).
    5. Domaći stručni časopisi koji se koriste za prijevode na strani jezik., , , .
  3. , Smjer: Hidrotehnika i Materijali
    1. M. Ibbotson: Professional English in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
    2. I. Williams: English for Science and Engineering, Thomson ELT, USA, 2007., , , .
  4. , Smjer: Organizacija građenja
    1. Williams: English for Science and Engineering, Thomson ELT, USA, 2007.
    2. V. Lambert, W. Murray: Everyday Technical English, Essex, 2003.
    3. V. Hollet: Tech Talk, Oxford, 2005., , , .
2. semestar
1. skupina izbornih predmeta 2. semestra OG - Redovni smjer - Organizacija građenja

3. semestar
Izborni predmeti 3. semstra Diplomski studij-(31)Geotehnika - Redovni smjer - Geotehnika
Izborni predemeti 3. semestra Diplomski studij-(33) Konstrukcije - Redovni smjer - Konstrukcije
Izborni predmeti 3. semestra Diplomskog studija-(34) Prometnice - Redovni smjer - Prometnice

4. semestar
2. grupa izbornih predmeta 4. semestra Diplomskog studija-(32) Materija - Redovni smjer - Materijali
Izborni predmeti 4. semestra Diplomskog studija-(37) TMK - Redovni smjer - Teorija i modeliranje konstrukcija
Termini konzultacija:

Nastavni materijal 1 - Structural Engineering

Nastavni materijal 2 - Work and Fun section

Nastavni materijal 3 - Recruitment section

Nastavni materijal 4- Transportation Engineering

Nastavni materijal 5 - Construction Management

Nastavni materijal 6 - Developing English Skill for Students of Civil Engineering


Towards 3rd of June

Hrvoje and Marko are late with homeworks, or did the internet swallow them mysteriously? Karla first, Bastien third and Josip second should send their PPTs.  Ana’s PPT is attached. As a student of architecture she is a wonderful addition to our class. It is a pity you did not have chance to let you know better.


Hrvoje: page 34:ex:2

Bastein :p 35,ex:5


Veronika: p 36: translation:Putnik u balonu

Josip: p. 38,ex.8



You cannot get the end mark unless you are due some tasks. Next week I will announce the results of your semester work. If somebody WILL not BE satisfied with the mark, he (she) is obligated to take an exam.

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