Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost



Šifra: 93234
ECTS: 4.5
Prijava ispita: Studomat

1. komponenta

Vrsta nastaveUkupno
Auditorne vježbe 45
* Opterećenje je izraženo u školskim satima (1 školski sat = 45 minuta)
Opis predmeta:
Smjer: Prometnice i Geotehnika
1.A Career in Transportation Engineering [2]
2. Road Structure [2]
3. Construction of a Road [2]
4. A Career in Geotechnical Engineering [3]
5. Tunnels and Tunneling Tools [2]
6. How to write a CV? [3]
7. The CV and Job Interview Questions [3]
8. Preparing for the Interview Skills ? Techniques, Tips and Advice [3]
9. Single presentations on Transportation Issues [3]
10. 3Transportation System Issues and Challenges [3]
11. The Light at the End of the Chunnel ? Revision of vocabulary [4]
12. What's so Special About Geotechnical Engineering? [3]
13. General Considerations in Foundation Design [2]
14. Special Foundation Problems [2]
15. Deep Foundations [3]
16. Presentations [3]

Smjer: Konstrukcije i TMK
1. How to Make a Good Presentation [3]
2. Professional Development [2]
3. Preparing for the Interview Skills -Techniques [2]
4. Career Job Hunting - avoiding potential job(interview) disasters - Tips and Advice [3]
5. Domes - A Short History [3]
6. Concrete structures: A New Headquarters I [3]
7. A New Headquarters II [3]
8. An Architect versus an Engineer [3]
9. Wembley Stadium [3]
10. Timber Structures [3]
11. Single students? presentations [3]
12. Hyatt Hotel Case Study [3]
13. Bridges - Types [3]
14. Interviews with Engineers [3]
15. Presentations/video [2]

Smjer: Hidrotehnika i Materijali
1. Environmental Engineering - Development & Scope [3]
2. Wellspring of the High Plains - Ogallala Aquifer [3]
3. Writing a Letter of Application / Job [5]
4. Interview Questions and How to Master Them [5]
5. The Secrets of Roman Concrete [3]
6. Who Builds Big? - Interviews [5]
7. Irrigation & Drainage Systems [3]
8. Environmental Matters [3]
9. Canals - Factfile about canal [3]
10. Engineering - Falkirk Lock [3]
11. Dams - Aswan High Dam - a Success or a Failure? [3]
12. Principal Construction Materials [3]
13. Stormwater and Floods [3]

Smjer: Organizacija građenja
1. Civil Engineering ? Subspecialties [2]
2. A Day in the Life of a Construction Manager [2]
3. Mission to Accomplish [2]
4. Projects [2]
5. Creating a CV ? How to write a CV? [2]
6. Writing a letter of application [2]
7. Design Solutions [3]
8. Job Interview Questions [2]
9. 1st colloquium [2]
10. Tender Action [3]
11. Professional Development [3]
12. Planning and building Permission [2]
13. Preparing for the Interview Skills - Techniques, Tips and Advice [2]
14. Selection of Contractors [2]
15. Single presentations - Case studies [2]
16. 2nd colloquium [1]
17. Career Job Hunting - avoiding potential job(interview) disasters - Tips and Advice [2]
18. Joint presentations [2]
19. The Company [2]
20. Formal and Informal Meetings [2]
21. Construction Site Organization - vocabulary [2]
22. 3rd colloquium [1]
Ishodi učenja:
  1. Razumijevanje i interpretiranje tehničkih tekstova
  1. , Smjer: Prometnice i Geotehnika
    A. Kralj Štih: English in Transportation and Geotechnical Engineering, course materials., , , .
  2. , Smjer: Konstrukcije i TMK
    Alemka Kralj Štih: English for Structural Engineering and Theory and Modelling of Structures, course materials, Zagreb, 2011., , , .
  3. , Smjer: Hidrotehnika i Materijali
    A. Kralj Štih: English in Hydro Engineering and Construction Materials, course materials, Zagreb, 2010., , , .
  4. , Smjer: Organizacija građenja
    A. Kralj Štih: English for Construction Management, course materials, Zagreb, 2011 Organizacija građenja), , , .
Preporučena literatura:
  1. , Smjer: Prometnice i Geotehnika
    1. D. Bonamy: Technical English 4, Pearson Longman, 2011.
    2. Internetove stranice programa Building Big, Brantacan, ASCE.
    3. Z. Vulelija: Ilustrirani rječnik arhitekture i građevinarstva - hrvatsko engleski i englesko hrvatski, Masmedia, Zagreb, 2010.
    4. A. Prager: Trojezični građevinski rječnik, Masmedia, Zagreb, 2002., , , .
  2. , Smjer: Konstrukcije i TMK
    1. Williams: English for Science and Engineering, Thomson ELT, USA, 2007.
    2. V. Lambert, W. Murray: Everyday Technical English, Essex, 2003.
    3. V. Hollet: Tech Talk, Oxford, 2005.
    4. Programi Američkog društva inženjera građevinarstva (ASCE) i Britanskog društva inženjera građevine (ICE).
    5. Domaći stručni časopisi koji se koriste za prijevode na strani jezik., , , .
  3. , Smjer: Hidrotehnika i Materijali
    1. M. Ibbotson: Professional English in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
    2. I. Williams: English for Science and Engineering, Thomson ELT, USA, 2007., , , .
  4. , Smjer: Organizacija građenja
    1. Williams: English for Science and Engineering, Thomson ELT, USA, 2007.
    2. V. Lambert, W. Murray: Everyday Technical English, Essex, 2003.
    3. V. Hollet: Tech Talk, Oxford, 2005., , , .
2. semestar
1. skupina izbornih predmeta 2. semestra OG - Redovni smjer - Organizacija građenja

3. semestar
Izborni predmeti 3. semstra Diplomski studij-(31)Geotehnika - Redovni smjer - Geotehnika
Izborni predemeti 3. semestra Diplomski studij-(33) Konstrukcije - Redovni smjer - Konstrukcije
Izborni predmeti 3. semestra Diplomskog studija-(34) Prometnice - Redovni smjer - Prometnice

4. semestar
2. grupa izbornih predmeta 4. semestra Diplomskog studija-(32) Materija - Redovni smjer - Materijali
Izborni predmeti 4. semestra Diplomskog studija-(37) TMK - Redovni smjer - Teorija i modeliranje konstrukcija
Termini konzultacija:

Nastavni materijal 1 - Structural Engineering

Nastavni materijal 2 - Work and Fun section

Nastavni materijal 3 - Recruitment section

Nastavni materijal 4- Transportation Engineering

Nastavni materijal 5 - Construction Management

Nastavni materijal 6 - Developing English Skill for Students of Civil Engineering



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