Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost



Code: 21809
ECTS: 6.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Bojan Milovanović
Lecturers: dr. sc. Marina Bagarić - Project laboratory
dr. sc. Mergim Gaši - Project laboratory
izv. prof. dr. sc. Bojan Milovanović - Project laboratory
Domagoj Tkalčić , mag. ing. aedif. - Project laboratory

dr. sc. Marina Bagarić - Laboratory exercises
dr. sc. Mergim Gaši - Laboratory exercises
izv. prof. dr. sc. Bojan Milovanović - Laboratory exercises
Domagoj Tkalčić , mag. ing. aedif. - Laboratory exercises

dr. sc. Marina Bagarić - Exercises
dr. sc. Mergim Gaši - Exercises
izv. prof. dr. sc. Bojan Milovanović - Exercises
Domagoj Tkalčić , mag. ing. aedif. - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Laboratory exercises 6
Project laboratory 8
Exercises 16
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Learning outcomes:
  1. , Šimetin, Vladimir: Građevinska fizika, GI, Fakultet građevinskih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 1983., , , .
  2. , Hens, Hugo: Building Physics - Heat, Air and Moisture: Fundamentals and Engineering Methods with Examples and Exercises, Wiley-VCH, 2008., , , .
  3. , Hagentoft, Carl-Eric: Introduction to Building Physics, Studentlitteratur AB, 2001., , , .
  4. , Galović, Antun: Termodinamika I, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 2004., , , .
  5. , Galović, Antun: Termodinamika II, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 2003., , , .
  6. , Kulišić, Petar: Mehanika i toplina, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2005., , , .
Optional literature:
  1. , Staufenbiel, Georg; Wessig, Josef: Bauphysik und Baustofflehre - eine Einfuhrung in Experimenten, Bauverlag BV GmbH, 1989., , , .
  2. , Porges, George: Applied Acoustics, Peninsula Publishing, 1987., , , .
  3. , Burns, William: Noise and Man, John Murray Publishers Ltd, 1973., , , .
  4. , Brandt, Jörg; Moritz, Helmut: Bauphysik nach Maß, Vbt Verlag Bau U. Technik, 2003., , , .
  5. , Cammerer, Walter F.: Wärme- und Kälteschutz im Bauwesen und in der Industrie, Springer, Berlin, 2002., , , .
  6. , MONOGRAFIJA: Građevinska fizika i materijali - Jugoslovensko društvo za ispitivanje i istraživanje materijala i konstrukcija, Beograd, 2003., , , .
  7. , Gaskell, David: Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, Taylor & Francis, London, 1995., , , .
  8. , Isachenko, Victor; Osipova; Sukomel, Alexander: Heat Transfer, University Press of the Pacific, 2000., , , .
1. semester
Mandatory course - Regular smjer - Construction Materials
Consultations schedule:
  • izv. prof. dr. sc. Bojan Milovanović:

    Thursday 10am - 12 am

    Location: Kranjčevićeva 2, soba 311
  • izv. prof. dr. sc. Bojan Milovanović:

    Thursday 10am - 12 am

    Location: Kranjčevićeva 2, soba 311



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