Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Conference on Diophantine m-tuples


The conference will be held in lecture room 121 at the first floor of the main building of Faculty of Civil Engineering.

Immediately upon entering the building one has to climb a few steps and directly ahead there will be another set of stairs leading to the 1st floor and room 121.

The schedule is available here. From Wednesday to Friday there will be a lunch in the faculty building. The conference dinner will be at Stari fijaker. We are grateful for generous funding from Croatian Science Foundation and Faculty of Civil Engineering.


------ the old announcement ------

Dear Number Theorists,

after the successful conferences on Diophantine m-tuples and related problems on November 2014 and October 2018, we are happy to announce that the third conference on the same topic (Diophantine m-tuples and related problems III) will take place at Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia, from September 14 to September 16, 2022. The conference will be dedicated to Diophantine m-tuples and related problems. However, other aspects of Diophantine equations may appear as well.

Anybody wishing to attend is welcome to contact the organizers. We do not charge any conference registration fee, but at this time we cannot promise any financial support. However, we expect to cover lunches, coffee breaks, conference dinner and accommodation for keynote speakers.

Questions should be directed to one of the conference organizers:
Alan Filipin (
filipin@grad.hr, alan.filipin@grad.unizg.hr)
Nikola Adžaga (
nadzaga@grad.hr, nikola.adzaga@grad.unizg.hr)
Alain Togbé (atogbe@pnw.edu)                                                                            

Because lately it can happen that we have problems with our server, if you do not receive an answer in a few days, you can send email also to alanfilipin@gmail.com.

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