1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Lectures |
30 |
Project laboratory |
15 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Introduction: basic concepts. Traffic Noise: noise source, impact on working
and life quality. Noise protection regulations: relevant rules and norms, European
Committee recommendations, noise maps. Traffic noise measuring: equipment,
carrying out of measurement and results analysis. Calculation methods: influential
parameters, models, noise spreading. Noise protection measures: reduction at
source, reduction of spreading, protection at the emission spot, economic
measures. Monitoring: control measurements.
Learning outcomes:
- , Dragčević, V.; Ahac, S.: Prometna buka - predavanja, Zagreb, 2008., http://merlin.srce.hr, , , .
- , Ahac, S.; Pintar, Ž.: Prometna buka - priručnik za vježbe, Zagreb, 2008., http://merlin.srce.hr, , , .
Optional literature:
- , Opći tehnički uvjeti za radove na cestama, Hrvatske ceste i Hrvatske autoceste, Zagreb, 2001., , , .
- , Uputstva za korištenje softverskog paketa LIMA - Environmental Noise Calculation and Mapping Software,Version 5.1, Denmark, 2006., , , .
- , Benz Kotzen, Colin Englih: Environmental Noise Barriers, London, 1999., , , .