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Two members of our LWT-FLOOR research group, Vlaho Žuvelek and Andrea Rajić, participated in the CESARE'24 Conference and the 1st Training School for COST Action CA21103 – Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment – CircularB – which took place in Timisoara, Romania, from the 29th to the 31st of May 2024. At the end of the training school, the projects that Vlaho and Andrea worked on were presented, and they were recognized for The best project impact and for The best creative project. COST Association - European Cooperation in Science and Technology Politehnica University Timisoara CircularB
The new research paper " Analysis of Demountable Shear Connections in Cold-formed Steel-Concrete Composite Beams: A Finite Element Approach Validated With Experimental Data " coauthored by Vlaho Žuvelek, Ivan Ćurković, Ivan Lukačević and Andrea Rajić is presented by Research assistant Vlaho Žuvelek at 10th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS24). The conference was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on June 5–7, 2024. The conference website can be found at the following link:  ICSAS24
On the 4th International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience" CESARE 2024 which was held in Timisoara, Romania on May 29-31, 2024, two research papers of LWT-FLOOR group were presented. 1. Numerical investigation of double-skin cold-formed steel shear wall filled with concrete - Vlaho Žuvelek, Ivan Ćurković, Ivan Lukačević, Andrea Rajić (presenter: Vlaho Žuvelek) 2. Influence of shear connection and end supports onto self-vibrations of cold-formed steel concrete composite floor - Andrea Rajić, Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković, Vlaho Žuvelek (presenters: Andrea Rajić and Ivan Lukačević) The Conference is co-organized by the Steel Structures and Structural Mechanics Department of the Politehnica University Timisoara, in co-operation with the Romanian Academy, the School of Engineering of the University of Birmingham, the Faculty of Engineering of the Jordan University of Science and Technology, the COST ACTION CA21103 “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment” and the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania. CESARE 2024
Žuvelek, V.; Ćurković, I.; Skejić, D.; Lukačević, I. Parametric Finite Element Analyses of Demountable Shear Connection in Cold-Formed Steel–Concrete Composite Beams .  Buildings   2024 ,  14 , 324. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14020324
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2024 year! LWT-FLOOR Project Research Group Members
On December 21st, the third LWT-FLOOR project workshop was held. We thank all the presenters and participants of the workshop. The workshop presentations will be published on the project web page soon.
3rd LWT-FLOOR Project WORKSHOP will be organised at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia on 21th of December 2023, Council chamber, ground floor left, Kranjceviceva 2. A workshop flyer with the preliminary programme is available HERE .
Rajić, A.; Lukačević, I.; Skejić, D.; Ungureanu, V. Cold-formed Steel-Concrete Composite Beams with Back-to-Back Channel Sections in Bending. Civil engineering journal (Tehran), 9 (2023.), 10; 2345-2369. doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-10-01
The LWT-FLOOR composite girders were tested.
The new research paper " Laboratory tests of lightweight composite floor system LWT-FLOOR " coauthored by Ivan Lukačević, Marko Bartolac, Ivan Ćurković, Andrea Rajić and Vlaho Žuvlek is presented by Professor Marko Bartolac at the 14th International Conference "Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques" (MBMST 2023). The conference was held in Vilnius, Lithuania on October 5–6, 2023. The Conference is organised by the Faculty of Civil Engineering of VILNIUS TECH. The conference programme can be found at the following link:  MBMST 2023 Conference Programme
Ivan Lukačević and Ivan Ćurković presented the paper " Bending resistance of composite steel-concrete floor system made of built-up cold-formed steel elements " at the 920th International Symposium of MASE - Resilient Structures, Skopje, North Macedonia, which has been organised fro 28 to 29 September 2023 in Skopje. The conference programme can be found at the following link: http://mase.gf.ukim.edu.mk/downloads/MASE20_Final_Programme.pdf . The presented paper: Lukačević, Ivan; Ćurković, Ivan; Rajić, Andrea; Žuvelek, Vlaho:  Bending resistance of composite steel-concrete floor system made of built-up cold-formed steel elements // PROCEEDINGS OF THE 20th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF MASE/ Skopje, Sveučilište sv. Ćirila i Metoda Skopje. str. 421-430.
The new research paper " A comparative life-cycle assessment of structural composite steel-concrete floor systems – A case study " coauthored by Ivan Lukačević, Andrea Rajić, Viorel Ungureanu and Raluca Buzatu is presented by Professor Viorel Ungureanu at the Eighth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2023). The conference was held in Milan, Italy, July 2-6, 2023, under the auspices of Politecnico di Milano.  IALCCE 2023 | Open Access Book
Two new research papers have been presented at the 10th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures (EUROSTEEL 2023) jointly organized by TU Delft, ETH Zurich and Bouwen met Staal, and supported by ECCS held in Amsterdam, from 12 to 14 September 2023. The paper " Performance evaluation of cold-formed steel spot weld connections " coauthored by Andrea Rajić, Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković, Vlaho Žuvelek has been presented by Research Assistant Andrea Rajić ( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cepa.2627 ). The paper " Finite Element Analyses of Demountable Shear Connection in Cold-Formed Steel-Concrete Composite Beam Based on Experimental Data " coauthored by Vlaho Žuvelek, Ivan Ćurković, Ivan Lukačević, Andrea Rajić has been presented by Research Assistant Vlaho Žuvelek ( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cepa.2629 ).
Rajić, A.; Lukačević, I.; Skejić, D.; Ćurković, I. Numerical Study on the Bending Resistance of Lightweight Built-Up Steel-Concrete Composite Beams .  Appl. Sci.   2023 ,  13 , 7397. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13137397    
The LWT-FLOOR steel girders were tested.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2023 year! LWT-FLOOR Project Research Group Members
On December 15th, the second LWT-FLOOR project workshop was held. We thank all the presenters and participants of the workshop. The workshop presentations will be published on the project web page soon.
2nd LWT-FLOOR Project WORKSHOP will be organised at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia on 15 th of December 2022, Room 219, 2 nd floor main building.  A workshop flyer with the preliminary programme is available HERE .
PhD student and Research Assistant Andrea Rajić received an award for best student presentation at CFSRC 2022 Colloquium for the presentation of the paper "Numerical study of cold-formed steel-concrete composite floor system with demountable shear connectors". More info can be found here . Congratulations Andrea!!!!!
Three new research papers have been presented at the Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium Colloquium 2022 (CFSRC Colloquium 2022) organised online at Johns Hopkins University by Thin-Walled Structure Group, Baltimore, USA, on the 17-19 of October 2022. The paper "Numerical study of cold-formed steel-concrete composite floor system with demountable shear connectors", coauthored by Andrea Rajić, Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković and Vlaho Žuvelek has been presented by Research Assistant Andrea Rajić ( https://jscholarship.library.jhu.edu/handle/1774.2/67728 ). The paper "Numerical study of the behavior of the bolted shear connection in cold-formed steel-concrete composite beam", coauthored by Vlaho Žuvelek, Ivan Ćurković, Ivan Lukačević and Andrea Rajić, has been presented by Research Assistant Vlaho Žuvelek ( https://jscholarship.library.jhu.edu/handle/1774.2/67727 ). The paper "Numerical parametric study on corrugated web built-up beams with pinned end supports", coauthored by Ivan Lukačević and Viorel Ungureanu, has been presented by Assistant Professor Ivan Lukačević ( https://jscholarship.library.jhu.edu/handle/1774.2/67697 ).
V. Žuvelek and A. Rajić presented their papers at the 9th gathering of young researchers in the field of construction and related technical sciences called COMMON FOUNDATIONS 2022 which has been organised from 28-30 September 2022 in Osijek, Croatia.
Two new research papers have been presented at the International Colloquium on Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures (SDSS 2022) held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, on the 14-16 of September 2022. The paper "Numerical Investigation of Shear Connection in Cold-formed Steel-concrete Composite Beam" coauthored by Ivan Ćurković, Ivan Lukačević, Vlaho Žuvelek, Andrea Rajić has been presented by Assistant Professor Ivan Ćurković ( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cepa.1827 ). The paper "Parametric Finite Element Analyses of Lightweight Cold-formed Steel-concrete Composite Floor Beams" coauthored by Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković, Andrea Rajić, Vlaho Žuvelek has been presented by Research Assistant Andrea Rajić ( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cepa.1826 ).
A. Rajić presented the paper " Analyses of LWT-FLOOR system bending resistance " at the 8th Doctoral Syposium in Civil Enginnering which has been organised from 5-6 September 2022 at the Faculty if Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia. The symposium program can be found at the following link: https://master.grad.hr/phd-simpozij/2022/Program_Simpozij_2022-EN.pdf
V. Žuvelek presented the paper "Numerical study of shear connection in cold-formed steel-concrete composite beam" at the 8th Doctoral Syposium in Civil Engineering which has been organised from 5-6 September 2022 at the Faculty if Civil Enginnering, University of Zagreb, Croatia. The symposium program can be found at the following link: https://master.grad.hr/phd-simpozij/2022/Program_Simpozij_2022-EN.pdf
A. Rajić presented the report "Innovative lightweight composite floor system – built-up cold-formed steel-concrete" at the International scientific and technical conference «Modern structures of metal and wood», Odesa, Ukraine, which has been organised online from 9–11 June 2022. The report can be found at the following link: https://odabamdipk.wixsite.com/sbornik/arhiveconf?lang=en The recorded presentations from the conference can be found at the following link: https://odabamdipk.wixsite.com/sbornik/conferencess?lang=en
Master students of the course Composite Structures (2nd year of graduate master study) on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, had the opportunity to attend a push-out laboratory test of innovative shear connection in the Laboratory for Structural Testing at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civile Engineering. Before testing in the laboratory, the HRZZ project LWT-FLOOR is presented to students. More information can be found here .
Lukačević, Ivan; Ćurković, Ivan; Rajić, Andrea; Bartolac, Marko Lightweight Composite Floor System—Cold-Formed Steel and Concrete—LWT-FLOOR Project  //  Buildings.  12, (2022) no. 2: 209; https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings12020209
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year! LWT-FLOOR Project Research Group Members
On December 17 th , the first LWT-FLOOR project workshop was held. We thank all the presenters and participants of the workshop. The videos of workshop presentations and discussions will be published on the project web page soon.
On 3 rd of December, the first online meeting of the research group was held, at which the achievements of the project so far were presented, as well as the plans for the continuation of the project implementation. The current members of the project were introduced to the newly employed doctoral students and their roles in the project activities.
PhD student Vlaho Žuvelek become officially a member of the LWT-FLOOR research group. Congratulations, Vlaho Žuvelek!
1st LWT-FLOOR Project WORKSHOP will be organised at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia on 17th of December 2021, Online. Aims of the workshop are the presentation of the LWT-FLOOR project background, presentations and discussions about planned activities and recent results and presentation of other activities of the research group members and project advisors related to the composite and cold-formed steel structural elements. A workshop flyer with the programme is available HERE . The link for the live event via MS Teams is available HERE .
I. Lukačević presented the paper " Numerical Analysis of Lightweight Cold-Formed Steel-Concrete Composite Floor System " at the 3rd International Conference on Lightweight Design of Engineering Structures – LIMAS 2021, Edinburgh, UK, which has been organised from 22-23 November 2021 online. The conference program can be found at the following link:  https://asranet.co.uk/Conferences/LIMAS . The paper deals with the overview of the LWT-FLOOR project and the results of preliminary numerical evaluations.
LWT-FLOOR project logo has been created!
The LWT-FLOOR research group has been established! From the 15th of November, a PhD student Andrea Rajić has been employed, and from the 22nd of November, she is officially a member of the LWT-FLOOR research group! Congratulations, Andrea Rajić!
A. Rajić presented the paper " Behaviour of lightweight built-up cold-formed steel-concrete composite beam in bending " at the 10th International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation 2021 - sub conference 10th International Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment Conference, Priština, Kosovo,  which has been organised online from 29–30 October 2021. The abstract of the paper can be found at the following link: https://conferences.ubt-uni.net/2021/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/10th-International-Conference-on-Business-Technology-and-Innovat.pdf The paper deals with the numerical study on bending resistance of built-up cold-formed steel-concrete composite beam. The presented paper will be published in Conference procedings soon.
I. Lukačević presented the paper " Innovative Lightweight Cold-Formed Steel-Concrete Composite Floor System – LWT-FLOOR project " at the 6th World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering-Architecture-Urban Planning Symposium WMCAUS 2021, Prague, Czech Republic,  which has been organised from 30 August–3 September 2021. The conference program can be found at the following link: /_news/51505/WMCAUS 2021 Program Book.pdf . The paper deals with the overview of the LWT-FLOOR project.
I. Lukačević presented the paper " Numerical study on bending resistance of cold-formed steel back‐to‐back built‐up elements " at the 9th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Eurosteel 2021, Sheffield, UK,  which has been organised online from 1–3 September 2021. The conference programme can be found at the following link: /_news/51504/eurosteel-programme-final-v4.pdf . The paper deals with the numerical study on bending resistance of cold-formed steel built-up elements which are one of the basic components of the LWT-FLOOR system. The presented paper has been published in Wiley -Ernst & Sohn journal ce/papers:  Lukačević, Ivan; Ungureanu, Viorel; Valčić, Anđelo; Ćurković, Ivan Numerical study on bending resistance of cold‐ formed steel back‐to‐back built‐up elements // CE papers, 4 (2021), 2-4; 487-494 doi:10.1002/cepa.1320 (međunarodna recenzija, članak, znanstveni)
During the presentation of various research project activities of experts from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and experts from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE), on the 14th of July 2021 Assistant Professor Ivan Ćurković presented brief overview of LWT-FLOOR project.    
We are happy to announce that LWT-FLOOR project officially started on January 11 th , 2021.