Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost


Project Workshops

3rd LWT-FLOOR Project Workshop

3rd LWT-FLOOR Project WORKSHOP was organised at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia on 21th of December 2023.

The workshop presentations are available via the following links:

Ivan LukačevićOpening Session – presentation of the LWT-FLOOR project and overview of the realised activities 3rd project year

Ivan Ćurković, Ivan Lukačević, Andrea Rajić, Vlaho Žuvelek: Design and fabrication of steel and composite girder specimens

Marko Bartolac, Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković, Andrea Rajić, Vlaho Žuvelek: Preparation of laboratory tests of large-scale specimens

Andrea Rajić, Vlaho Žuvelek, Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković, Janko Košćak, Marko Bartolac: 3D scanning and preparation of the steel and composite girders for measurement with the GOM ARAMIS system

Andrea Rajić, Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković, Marko Bartolac, Vlaho Žuvelek: Implementation and analysis of the steel and composite girders laboratory tests

Marko Bartolac, Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković, Andrea Rajić, Vlaho Žuvelek: Laboratory Tests of Lightweight Composite Floor System LWT-FLOOR

Andrea Rajić, Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković, Vlaho Žuvelek: Performance evaluation of cold-formed steel spot weld connections

Vlaho Žuvelek, Ivan Ćurković, Ivan Lukačević, Andrea Rajić: Finite Element Analyses of Demountable Shear Connection in Cold-Formed Steel-Concrete Composite Beam Based on Experimental Data

Ivan Lukačević, Andrea Rajić, Daniel Viorel Ungureanu, Raluca Buzatu: A comparative life-cycle assessment of structural composite steel-concrete floor systems – A case study

2nd LWT-FLOOR Project Workshop

2nd LWT-FLOOR Project WORKSHOP was organised at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia on 15th of December 2022.

The workshop presentations are available via the following links:

doc. dr. sc. Ivan LukačevićOpening Session presentation of the LWT FLOOR project and overview of the realised activities

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević, doc. dr. sc. Ivan Ćurković, Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif., Vlaho Žuvelek, mag. ing. aedif.: Design and fabrication of material, spot welded and push-out specimens

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević, doc. dr. sc. Ivan Ćurković, izv. prof. dr. sc. Marko Bartolac, Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif., Vlaho Žuvelek, mag. ing. aedif.: Implementation and analyses of laboratory tests-base material & spot welds

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Ćurković, doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević, izv. prof. dr. sc. Marko Bartolac, Vlaho Žuvelek, mag. ing. aedif., Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif.: Implementation and analysis of the push-out test on shear connectors in composite beams cold-formed steel profiles-concrete

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević, doc. dr. sc. Ivan Ćurković, Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif., Vlaho Žuvelek, mag. ing. aedif.: Parametric finite element analyses of lightweight cold-formed steel-concrete composite floor beams

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Ćurković, doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević, Vlaho Žuvelek, mag. ing. aedif., Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif.: Numerical investigation of shear connection in cold-formed steel-concrete composite beam

Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif., doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević, doc. dr. sc. Ivan Ćurković, Vlaho Žuvelek, mag. ing. aedif.: Numerical study of cold-formed steel-concrete composite floor system with demountable shear connectors

Vlaho Žuvelek, mag. ing. aedif., doc. dr. sc. Ivan Ćurković, Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif., doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević: Numerical study of the behaviour of the bolted shear connection in cold-formed steel-concrete composite beams

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević, prof. dr. sc. Daniel Viorel Ungureanu: Numerical parametric study on corrugated web built-up beams with pinned end supports

1st LWT-FLOOR Project Workshop

1st LWT-FLOOR Project WORKSHOP was organised at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, Croatia on 17th of December 2021.

Aims of the workshop was the presentation of the LWT-FLOOR project background, presentations and discussions about planned activities and recent results and presentation of other activities of the research group members and project advisors related to the composite and cold-formed steel structural elements. A workshop flyer with the programme is available HERE.

The recorded videos of the workshop presentations are available via the following links:

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević: Opening Session – presentation of the LWT-FLOOR project

prof. dr. sc. Daniel Viorel Ungureanu, izv. prof. dr. sc. Ioan Both: Corrugated web built-up cold-formed beams

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević: Investigations on spot welded built-up cold-formed steel beams

Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif., Vlaho Žuvelek, mag. ing. aedif.: Numerical analysis of lightweight cold-formed steel-concrete composite floor system

doc. dr. sc. Marko Bartolac: Scope of activities of Structural testing laboratory at the University of Zagreb - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif.: Behaviour of lightweight built up cold-formed steel-concrete composite beam in bending

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević: Numerical study on bending resistance of cold-formed steel back-to-back built-up elements 

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Ćurković: Steel and composite steel-concrete shear panels

Anton Kralj, mag. ing. aedif., prof. dr. sc. Davor Skejić: Loadbearing capacity of LSF walls under fire exposure

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević: Closing of Workshop

Presentations from Cold-Formed Steel Research Consortium Colloquium 2022 (CFSRC Colloquium 2022) 

Andrea Rajić, mag. ing. aedif.: Numerical study of cold-formed steel-concrete composite floor system with demountable shear connectors

Vlaho Žuvelek, mag. ing. aedif.: Numerical study of the behavior of the bolted shear connection in cold-formed steel-concrete composite beam

doc. dr. sc. Ivan Lukačević: Numerical parametric study on corrugated web built-up beams with pinned end supports