Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Programme 2023

Program - Fire safety and photovoltaic panels on building roofs


Ovdje pogledajte SAŽETAK konferencije / Here you can download the SUMMARY of the conference.



12:55 – 13:00


13:00 – 13:15


Fire safety and photovoltaic panels on building roofs. Are we ready?

Anđelka Toto Ormuž, moderator

Prof. Ivana Banjad Pečur, PhD, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb

13:15 – 13:40

The role of science to make our EU environment fire safe

Prof. Jomaas Grunde, PhD, ERA chair for FRISBE

13:40 – 14:05

European Commission DG GROW – Fire safety activities in construction

Heikki VAANANEN, European Commission DG GROW

14:05 – 14:30

Fire performance of Photovoltaic systems in building

Roman CHIVA, Technical Director, Testing Department, EFECTIS, France

14:30 – 14:50

Energy renovation of buildings and preliminary analysis of the existing condition of the building regarding fire safety

Nevena Štrbić, Head of Service, Sector for Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets, Croatia

14:50 – 15:15

PV panels in practice in Croatia

Maja Katić, Vivo Somnia Ltd



Wrap up

Miodrag Drakulić, President

HUZOP, Croatian Fire Safety Association


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