Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost



Workshop is co-hosted by the city of Zagreb and the Facultyof Civil Engineering


Zagreb is the cultural, scientific, economic, political and administrative center of the Republic of Croatia. The city is protected from the cold northern winds by the mountain of Medvednica and opens up to the rest of the world thanks to a spacious plain and the Sava River. Zagreb, with a population of nearly one million, contains almost a quarter of the entire population of Croatia. Over the centuries, the city was inhabited by people coming from all over Europe; and, in recent years, by people coming from different parts of Croatia, ensuring a rich cultural life. Zagreb is a safe city whose doors are always open for all visitors.

Useful websites:
http://www.infozagreb.hr/  - general info about Zagreb
http://www.tzzz.hr/ - general info about Zagreb County


Faculty of Civil Engineering under the auspices of University of Zagreb is the oldest civil engineering faculty in Croatia conducting education at the undergraduate (>750), graduate (>40) and postgraduate (>180 students) level in all branches of civil engineering. It has a valid ASIIN international Accreditation and high experience with participating in research, educational and networking projects such are FP6, FP7, TEMPUS, COST, EUREKA, LIFE, LLP, CIP-ECO INNOVATION, CIP-IEE-INTELIGENT ENERGY EUROPE, HORIZON 2020, ERASMUS + and ERASMUS MUNDUS.

Department for structures hosts 4 full professors, 3 associate professors, 2 assistant professors, 8 young researchers and 3 expert associates. Within Department for structures, Department for bridges is the oldest technical Chair of University of Zagreb founded in 1919.  It is enrolled as scientific centre in the field of bridges, place where young researchers are educated and at the same time a very productive core where many big bridges are designed. Currently two large bridges but also the Zagreb airport building, designed at the Bridge Department, are under construction in Croatia. Bridge department currently hosts 1 associate professors, 2 assistant professors, 3 young researchers and 3 expert associates. The main current research orientation of the bridge department is to improve performance assessment methods within management of bridges.