Konzultacije su svaki ponedjeljak 11-13 sati.
Full professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb, where she teaches at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses subjects in the field of designing timber and various lightweight structures, artificial intelligence techniques and protection of cultural heritage structures.
Head of Structural Department Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb.
Member of numerous national and international scientific research projects from 1992, and has been highly successful participant in the framework of EU projects where she has participated in seven large and significant projects.
Works in several technical committees in the Croatian National Standardisation body and the working group for the preparation of technical regulations in Republic of Croatia. Appointed by the Ministry of science of Republic of Croatia as a member of numerous international scientific COST actions.
Member of the expert group for the development of European regulations for the use of glass as a load bearing structural elements, organized in group in the context of an administrative agreement between the JRC Ispra and DG ENTR of the European Commission, now CEN TC 250 SC5 and SC11.
Member of the working group INTER-Timber Structures responsible for constantly monitoring the situation in the Eurocode 5 Timber Structures and consequently group in CEN: TC 250/SC5
Workes intensivley in the Focus Area Cultural Heritage, a group within the European Construction Tehcnology Platform, as coordinator of the Horizontal Group "Education, training and ethics.
Took part in preparing documents: Strategic Research Agenda for the European Construction Sector Achieving a sustainable and competitive construction sector by 2030 and Vision 2007-2030.
Member of the Board of Directors IAES (International Association for Experimental Structural Engineering), State Key Laboratory for Disaster Reduction, Tongji University, Shanghai, China from 2008. and member of CROSS.
Licensed engineer for Structures, involved in the design, supervision, expertise, recording, non-destructive methods of testing structures , rehabilitation and reconstruction cultural heritage objects. In the area of research involved in a series of international and domestic projects, deals with the area of design and energy efficiency of timber structures, composite structures timber- glass composites and timber-concrete composites and the protection of cultural heritage. She has designed a number of structures of very big span from glued laminated timber. She is also revisor of Timber structures design project in Republic of Croatia.
Evaluator for European Comission of research projects in the calls of FP7 and HORIZONT 2020.
Secretair of the Croatian construction technology platforms (CRCTP) and Secretair of the Croatian Society of Structural Engineers (HDGK)
She is using English, French and passive German language.
Married and has three children.
CZM-based FE numerical study on pull-out performance of adhesive bonded-in-rod (BiR) joints for timber structures
Experimental Investigation of Cross Laminated Timber Elements with Holes or Notches at In-Plane Beam Loading Conditions
Mechanical and Fire Performance of Innovative Hollow Glue-Laminated Timber Beams
Compressive Strength Properties Perpendicular to the Grain of Hollow Glue-Laminated Timber Elements
Assessment and rehabilitation of existing structures - The ARES project
Influence of elevated temperature on glued-in steel rods for CLT elements
Influence of Friction on the Behavior and Performance of Prefabricated Timber–Bearing Glass Composite Systems
Behavioral Assessment and Evaluation of Innovative Hollow Glue-Laminated Timber Elements
Assessment of Timber Roof Structures before and after Earthquakes
Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla u Zagrebu - tehnike snimanja i dokumentiranja za zaštitu, održavanje i nove AR i VR sadržaje
A review on failure theories and simulation models for adhesive joints
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Continuously Coupling Timber-Lightweight EPS
Short-Term Analysis of Adhesive Types and Bonding Mistakes on Bonded-in-Rod (BiR) Connections for Timber Structures
Seismic and Energy Renovation of Masonry or RC Framed Buildings with Timber or Composite Timber Panels
Advancement in prediction of shear strength and stiffness of cross laminated timber beams
Analytical and Numerical Verification of Vibration Design in Timber Concrete Composite Floors
Metode pregleda i ocjena stanja drvenih konstrukcija
Basis of Guidelines for Structural Design and Thermal Assessment of Buildings with Hybrid CLT-Glass Elements
Thermal and Energy-Efficiency Assessment of Hybrid CLT–glass Façade Elements
Response of laminated glass-CLT structural components to reverse-cyclic lateral loading
Shear strength of in-plane loaded cross laminated timber beam elements –experimental and theoretical investigation
The Numerical Analysis and Experimental Verification on the Thermal Performance of Hybrid Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) - Glass Facade Elements
Višenamjenski hibridni panel CLT - nosivo staklo
Seismic Design of Timber Buildings: Highlighted Challenges and Future Trends
Brittle failure modes in reinforced and non-reinforced timber joint with large diameter fastener loaded parallel to grain
Cross laminated timber at in-plane beam loading – Comparison of model predictions and FE-analyses
Experimental and numerical investigations of cross- laminated timber elements at in-plane beam loading conditions
Numerical Models for Verification of Bearing Capacity of the Hybrid Timber-Structural Glass Panel
Optimisation Test Study of Connections and Joints Between Elements of the Hybrid Timber- Structural Glass Panel
Energy Efficiency of CLT Frame with Laminated Glass Innfill
Textiles and Fabrics for Enhanced Structural Glass Facades: Potentials and Challenges
Ocjena Energetskih Karakteristika Kompozita CLT - Staklo
Građevinsko-fizikalne osobine kompozitnog sustava drvo–nosivo staklo
Behaviour of Cyclic Loaded Joint Made With Glued- in Rod in Corner of CLT Frame
Energy Evaluation of CLT - Laminated Glass Composite
In Situ Advanced Diagnostics and Inspection by Non-destructive Techniques and UAV as Input to Numerical Model and Structural Analysis - Case Study
Decision analysis and scenarios for the assessment of existing timber structures
Cultural Heritage BIM: Challenges and Opportunities
Iskustvo evaluatorice projekata
Approaches to Cultural Heritage Documentation and Interpretation
Križno lamelirano drvo (CLT) - pregled stanja područja
Cross laminated timber at in-plane beam loading – New analytical model predictions and relation to EC5
Ponašanje ciklički opterećenog spoja u kutu drvenog okvira izvedenog ulijepljenom šipkom
Utjecaj trenja na ponašanje i rad predgotovljenih kompozitnih sustava drvo – nosivo staklo
Practitioners’ opinions about the EN 1995 – German point of view in comparison with the rest of Europe
Drveni neboderi - Uporaba novih materijala od drva u visokogradnji
Structural Concepts for Adaptive Facades
Condition Assessment of Timber Structures – Quantifying the Value of Information
In situ advanced diagnostics and inspection by non-destructive techniques and unmanned vehicles as input to numerical model and structural analysis - case study Technical museum Nikola Tesla in Zagreb
Future challenges and need for research in timber engineering
An innovative methodology of assessing the climate change impact on cultural heritage
Laminated glass - timber panel as a dissipative bracing structural component for existing frame structures
Part IV Geospatial: Chapter 11, Data collection for estimation of resilience of cultural heritage assets
Obnova Tehničkog muzeja i novi postav
Structural analysis of in-plane loaded CLT beams
Creation of the point clouds & basic 3D model using AVR for the demo cases: Technical Museum Nikola Tesla in Zagreb and Cultural Heritage Municipality of Unešić
Sanacija drvene konstrukcije Tehničkog muzeja Nikola Tesla u Zagrebu – glavni i izvedbeni projekt
In-plane loaded CLT beams - Tests and analysis of element lay-up
Assessment and structural health monitoring of heritage timber structures
Tehnički muzej u Zagrebu – privremena konstrukcija stara 7 desetljeća
Inspection and condition assessment of existing timber structures
Timber – Structural Glass Composite Systems
Risk and Resilience of Cultural Heritage Assets
Građenje konstrukcija iz nosivog stakla i trenutno stanje propisa na tom području
Izrada modela za istraživanje, dokumentaciju i multimedijske prezentacije kombiniranim 3D tehnikama snimanja
Numerical Evaluation of Seismic Capacity of Structures with Hybrid Timber-Glass Panels
Highly energy dissipative and ductile timber-glass hybrid element
Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection - 6th International Conference, EuroMed 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 31 – November 5, 2016, Proceedings, Part I
Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection - 6th International Conference, EuroMed 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 31 – November 5, 2016, Proceedings, Part II
Projektiranje drvenih zgrada izloženih požaru - nacionalni građevinski propisi i europske tehničke smjernice
Rizici i rezilijentnost objekata kulturne baštine
Structural analysis of in-plane loaded CLT beam with holes: FE-analyses and parameter studies
Projektiranje drvenih zgrada izloženih požaru – nacionalni građevinski propisi i europske tehničke smjernice
Pull-compression tests on glued-in metric thread rods parallel to grain in glulam and laminated veneer lumber of different timber species
Glued-in rods in beech laminated veneer lumber
Kompozitni sustavi drvo - nosivo staklo u potresnom okruženju
Novi trendovi uporabe drva i proizvoda na osnovi drva u graditeljstvu
Assessment of the pull-out strength of glued-in rods with different test methods
Pull-compression tests on glued-in rods parallel to grain in laminated veneer lumber of different timber species
Experimental Assessment of the pull-out strength of glued in rods set parallel an perpendicular to grain
Glued-in rods
Experimental investigation of laminated glass infilled CLT frames with glued-in steel rods in joints
Povećanje potresne otpornosti okvirnih konstrukcija ugradnjom hibridnih panela drvo- staklo
Intervention Decision Making Based on EU Cultural Heritage Identity Card
A contribution to the built heritage environmental impact assessment
Rad na novoj generaciji Eurokoda 5 za projektiranje drvenih konstrukcija
Digital Technology and Heritage Preservation
Documenting of Cultural Heritage
Primjeri uspješnih Obzor 2020 projekata - INCEPTION, Horizon 2020 tema projekta REFLECTIVE-7
Design of glued-in rods
Influence of long term load on timber-concrete composite systems
Strengthening of timber structures with glued-in rods
Timber-load bearing glass composites in earthquake environment
Reinforcement of timber structures - The route to standardisation
Reliability of timber structures exposed to fire
Konstrukcije od nosivog stakla - stanje područja i propisi za njihovu primjenu
Spregnuti sustavi drvo-beton
Large diameter fastener in locally reinforced and non-reinforced timber loaded perpendicular to grain
Guidance for European Structural Design of Glass Components
Analysis of hysteretic response of glass infilled wooden frames
Activity report of COST action TU0905 working Group 1: predicting complex loads on glass structures
Assessment and Structural Rehabilitation of the Technical Museum in Zagreb
Modelling of Joints Behavior in Wood Composite Structural Systems
Riješeni primjeri iz drvenih konstrukcija
Analiza duktilnosti lameliranih drvenih nosača male visine
Parametarska analiza priključka sa spajalom velikog promjera u ojačanom lameliranom drvu
Surface monitoring measurements of materials on environmental change conditions
Pasivne mjere zaštite od požara - Procjena otpornosti na požar drvenih konstrukcija s osvrtom na zahtjeve Eurocode-a
Konstrukcijsko staklo
Gradnja drvenih višekatnica u Hrvatskoj – je li moguća? Koji zakonski okviri postoje i koji se jos trebaju usvojiti?
Seismic Behaviour of Composite Panel Composed of Laminated Wood and Bearing Glass - Experimental Investigation
Simulation of earthquake load imposed on timber-glass composite shear wall panel
Comparison of design rules for glued-in rods and design rule proposal for implementation in European standards
Rješenje čvora rešetke spajalom velikog promjera
Learning from Case Studies: Timber Tower of Gospić Cathedral and traditional timber church
Reconstruction of the Technical Museum in Zagreb
Correlation between destructive and four NDT techniques tests on historic timber elements
European Union - Cultural Heritage Identity Card
Croatia – presentation of Eu-Chic relevant cultural heritage documentation system
Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures - FP7 SMooHS project
Proceedings of the EU-CHIC International Conference on Cultural Heritage Preservation
Identity Card of Cultural Heritage: How to Collect and Organize Data
Robustness Analysis of Timber Truss Systems
Seismic Response of Timber Frames with Laminated Glass Infill
Shaking Table Test of Innovative Composite Panel Composed of Glued Laminated Wood and Bearing Glass
Racking preformance of wood-framed glass panels
Composite joint of timber truss girders
Zavetrovanje lesenih okvirjev z lameliranim steklom
User friendly modular open source software for data evaluation and interpretation
Laboratory and on-site testing activities part 3 - Historical timber elements
Case Study 1: Museum Island, Berlin
Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures Case study 3: Palazzo Malvezzi
Monitoring of Monitoring of Historic Structures Case study 4: Zahdeh Building, Hebron, Palestine
Laminated Glass Panels in Combination with Timber Frame as a Shear Wall in Earthquake Resistant Building Design
Composite structural systems timber-structural glass and steel-structural glass
Development of Seismic Resistant Wooden Frames with Laminated Glass Infill
Laminated glass panels in combination with timber frame as a shear wall in earthquake resistant building design
Reliability of glulam beams exposed to fire
Robustness analysis of structural timber truss systems
Case study – assesment and reconstruction project of technical museum’s timber structure in Zagreb - Croatia
Robustness of structural timber truss systems
Kompozitni materijali na osnovi drva i polimera - 1. dio
Kompozitni materijali na osnovi drva i polimera - 2. dio
Radovi na snimanju stanja drvene konstrukcije Tehničkog muzeja u Zagrebu
Probabilistička ocjena robusnosti konstrukcija
System reliability of timber structures with ductile behaviour
Reliability-based robustness analysis for a Croatian sports hall
Građenje konstrukcija iz nosivog stakla - 1 dio
Građenje konstrukcija iz nosivog stakla - 2 dio
Robustness analysis of a timber structure with ductile behaviour in compression
Ekspertni sustav za ocjenu uspješnosti planiranja u gospodarenju vodama
Justification of the New Design Standards Regarding the Use of Glass Products in Civil Engineering Works
New design standards regarding the use of glass products in civil engineering works
Modern prefabricated system for wooden family house
Cyclic response of load-bearing wood-framed glass panels
Krovna konstrukcija Nove obrtničke škole i gradska dvorana u Sisku
Robustness analysis of big span glulam truss structure
Robustness analysis of timber truss structure
Architectural and structural comparisment of South American and European Timber Frame Structures
Seismic behaviour of timber structures
Robustness Analysis of a Wide-Span Timber Structure with Ductile Behaviour
Potresna i požarna otpornost drvenih konstrukcija
HZN/TO 165 Drvene konstrukcije
Predviđanje progiba ovješenog mosta metodom potpornih vektora
Analysis of Slope effect and geometry of Glulam Cambered beams – Advises for their Design and Practical Application
Innovative timber and timber composites in construction: Conformity assessment and CE marking ; Environmental impacts and energy performance
Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Timber and Timber Composites in Construction (Multimedia CD)
Lesena konstrukcija mestne športne dvorane v Samoboru
European approach to sustainable protection of immovable cultural heritage
Ductility of joints in wood-composite structures
Research cooperation of Croatia and JRC in field of safety and security in Construction Sector
Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures - overview about a medium-scale research project in the EU 7th Research Framework Programme
Lagane konstrukcije
Analiza pouzdanosti drvenih lameliranih nosača
Kompozitni materijali na osnovi drva i polimera
Seismic behaviour of lightweight structures
New possibilities of structural design using artificial intelligence techniques
Djelovanje snijega i vjetra na nosive konstrukcije
Drvene konstrukcije prema europskim normama
Purpose and justification for new design standards regarding the fibre reinforced polymer composites in civil engineering
Comparison of the Eurocode 5 and Actual Croatian Codes for Wood Classification and Design with the Proposal for More Objective Way of Classification
Fracture Behaviour of Bolted Joint Using Steel Threaded Bars Glued In Oak elements
Heritage protection - construction aspects
Focus Area Cultural Heritage as a part of the European Construction Technology Platform
Non-destructive assessment of wood cultural heritage objects – case study of sanation and reassignment
Glulam construction of long span in Croatia
Comparison of the Pull-out Strength of Steel Bars Glued in GluLam Elements Obtained Experimentally and Numerically
Razredba drvene građe
Tehnička priprema za ulazak hrvatskog graditeljstva u europske integracije
Drvene konstrukcije prema europskim normama
Tehnička priprema za ulazak hrvatskog graditeljstva u europske integracije
Roof Construction of the Sport Centre in Samobor
Recent advances in smart monitoring of historic structures
Nosivost ulijepljenih navijenih čeličnih šipki u elementima od hrastovine
Experimental Test of the Glued Bolt Jonit Using Threaded Steel Bars
Composite Timber and Lightweight (EPS) Concrete Constructions
Computer Aided Concrete Box Girder Bridge Design
Timber Structural Design Based on Neural Networks Application nad FE 3D Modelling
FEA model of the edge crack in wood element under tensile stresses
Identifikacija vodenih površina na satelitskim snimcima neuralnom mrežom
New possibilities of structural design using artificial intelligence techiques: Application of Neural Networks in structural modelling optimization
Continous shear connecting - the best way to compose timber and lightweight (EPS) concrete
Continuous shear connecting- the best way to compose timber and lightweight (EPS) concrete
AI Environment for Classification and Design of Structural Timber Elements
Ispitivanja spregnutih nosača drvo-lagani beton
FEM models of composite timber-lightweight concrete floor-system
Korištenje matematičkog modeliranja pri projektiranju i istraživanju drvenih konstrukcija
Neural Network for Classification based on Nondestructive Testings
Characteristica of Timber-Lighweight Concrete (EPS) Composites
Neural network for wood member clasification based on the results from nondestructive testings of wood samples
Bezrazorne metode određivanja mehaničkih karakteristika drva
pogledati na strani http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=192402
Marie Curie projekt "Mreža inicijalnih treninga - mreža za digitalizaciju kulturne baštine" - FP7 znanstveni projekt, Projekt je zapečeo 1. listopada 2013, a konzorcij je sastavljen od 14 partnera i 8 pridruženih partnera među kojima je i Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (voditelj Prof. Vlatka Rajčić) koji pokriva cijeli spektar sektora vezanih za kulturnu baštinu, od akademskih, istraživačkih institucije, industrije, muzeja, arhiva i knjižnica.
ERASMUS MUNDUS PROJEKT– ELARCH Euro-Latin America partnership in natural Risk mitigation and protection of the Cultural Heritage, Reference number: 552129-EM-1-2014-1-IT-ERA MUNDUS-EMA21, početak projekta, početak 1. studeni 2014., trajanje 3 godine, odgovorna osoba, u ime Građevinskog fakulteta Zagreb prof.dr.sc. Vlatka Rajčić, koordinator projekta : Prof. Michelangelo Laterza - University of Basilicata
SMooHS - FP7 znanstveni projekt, ugovor s Europskom komisijom br 212939, SMooHS (Smart Monitoring of Cultural Heritage Structures), voditelj projekta MPA Stuttgart, Prof. dr.sc. Vlatka Rajčić, član Management Core grupe, koordinator radnog dijela WP6 Case studies
EU-CHIC - FP7 znanstveni projekt, ugovor s Europskom komisijom br 226995, EU'CHIC (European Cultural Heritage Identity Card), voditelj projekta Univerza v Ljubljani, Prof.dr.sc. Vlatka Rajčić, član Management Core grupe, koordinator radnog dijela WP6 Dissemination
Climate for Culture - FP7 znanstveni projekt, ugovor s Europskom komisijom br 226973, CLIMATE FOR CULTURE (Damage risk assessment, economic impact and mitigation strategies for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage in the times of climate change), voditelj projekta Fraunhofer, prof.dr.sc. Vlatka Rajčić, član Managment Core grupe, koordinator radnog dijela WP8 analysis and decision support system
COST AKCIJA E55 - znanstveni projekt “Modelling of the Performance of Timber Structures”, voditelj Jochen Köhler, ETH Zürich, Vlatka Rajčić, član Management Comitee-a, član WG2
COST AKCIJA TU0701 - znanstveni projekt “Improving the Quality of Suburban Building Stocks”, voditelj Roberto de Gullio, Sveučilište u Ferrari, Vlatka Rajčić, Član Management Comitee-a, član WG3
COST AKCIJA TU0905 - znanstveni projekt “STRUCTURAL GLASS – Novel Design Methods and Next Generation Products “, voditelj , TU Graz, Vlatka Rajčić, član Management Comitee-a, član WG3
COST AKCIJA TU0601 - znanstveni projekt “Robustness of Structures” , voditelj Prof. Michael Faber, ETH Zurich, Prof. Vlatka Rajčić, član Management Comitee-a, član WG1
COST AKCIJA FP1004 "Enhance mechanical properties of timber, engineering wood products and timber structures", prof. dr. sc. Vlatka Rajčić (MC member)
COST AKCIJA FP1101 "Assessment, Reinforcement and Monitoring of Timber Structures", prof. dr. sc. Vlatka Rajčić (MC member)
COST AKCIJA TU1207 "Next Generation Design Guidelines for Composites in Construction", prof. dr. sc. Vlatka Rajčić (MC member)
COST CA17107 - European Network to connect research and innovation efforts on advanced Smart Textiles, https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA17107/#tabs|Name:overview, prof. dr. sc. Vlatka Rajčić (MC member)
COST CA18120 “Reliable roadmap for certification of bonded primary structures” (CERTBOND), https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA18120/#tabs|Name:overview, prof. dr. sc. Vlatka Rajčić (MC member)
HORIZONT2020 INCEPTION "INCLUSIVE CULTURE HERITAGE IN EUROPE THROUGH 3D SEMANTIC MODELLING", koordinator Sveučilište u Ferrari, Arhitektonski fakultet, prof. Roberto di Giulio, odgovorna osoba za provedbu Prof.dr.sc. Vlatka Rajčić, član core grupe i koordinator radne grupe "Dissemination" (www.inception-project.eu)
Bilateralni znanstveni projekt Hrvatska-Makedonija: (IZIS Institut za potresno ispitivanje sa potresnim stolom i Građevinski fakultet u Zagrebu): “ Seismic resistance of composite structural systems timber-structural glass with optimal energy dissipation“, koordinatori Prof. Lidija Krstevska i Prof. Vlatka Rajčić
DOMAĆI ZNANSTVENI PROJEKT: Kompozitni nosivi sustavi drvo-nosivo staklo i drvo-čelik
DOMAĆI ZNANSTVENI PROJEKT: Osobine panela od laminiranog stakla
PROJEKT FINANCIRAN OD STRANE HRVATSKE ZAKLADE ZA ZNANOST: "VETROLIGNUM" IP-3811-2016-06 Prototip višenamjenskog kompozitnog panela drvo – nosivo staklo
U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća došlo je do naglog razvoja stakla kao nosivog materijala. S druge strane, povećanje primjene stakla djelomično je ograničeno jer ne postoje dostupni i odgovarajući propisi koji bi projektantima i izvođačima omogućili širu primjenu stakla. Nosivo staklo u kombinaciji s drvenim okvirom predstavlja kompozitni sustav koji ima predispozicije za dobro ponašanje prilikom potresa, istovremeno je energetski efikasno i isplativo, estetski prihvatljivo te ima dobre nosive karakteristike. U novije vrijeme provedeno je nekoliko istraživanja kompozitnih sustava drvo – nosivo staklo pri monotonim i cikličkim ispitivanjima koja su nužna kako bi kompoziti bili ugradljivi u potresno aktivnim zonama. U projektu će se ispitati ne samo nosiva svojstva panela već i energetska efikasnost cjelokupnog sustava.
Contract for M/515 Project Team Leaders and Members in response to Mandate M/515, phase 1 tasks for the development of the 2nd generation of EN Eurocodes, Task SC5.T2: New Eurocode 5: Part on Timber Concrete Composites (2016.- ), member prof.dr.sc. Vlatka Rajcic