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Project news


The European Road Conference "Corridors for Shared Prosperity & Sustainable Mobility", held on October 22-24, 2018 in Dubrovnik, Croatia ( https://www.irf.global/event/erc18-croatia/ ); is an essential platform to deepen the understanding of regional mobility challenges, and achieve consensus on key policy, investment and planning measures. The conference is organised by key representative organizations of the roads & mobility sector and led by the International Road Federation (IRF, www.irf.global ). The IRF is a global not-for-profit organization, headquartered in Washington, DC since 1948 and supported by regional offices throughout the world. Conference organizers invited project leader, Dr. Marija Kušter Marić to present the CODEbridges project as invited speaker in the session: Sectoral Roundtable - Inspecting & Managing Bridge Assets. The invitation to present the project to political leaders with transport portfolios, highway agency managers, researchers,  engineering services professionals and other participants is a huge opprtunity for the project and for further research and implementation of results.
Mr. Lubos Misak, employed at Proceq SA, contributed to the non-destructive testing of the Bridge of Youth in Zagreb on 18 th of September 2018 providing measurements with the portable ground penetrating radar (GPR). Demonstration of GPR and education on novelties in the field of non-destructive testing are organized for the project team, but also for other interested parties.
Prof. Ana Mandić Ivanković presented the CODEbridges project at the IABSE National Groups Chairs and Representatives Meeting, which took place on Sept.17, 2018 in Nantes, France. The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) is a scientific / technical Association comprising members in 100 countries and counting 51 National Groups worldwide.
Visual inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT) on Pag Bridge was performed on 5 September 2018. Pag Bridge, reinforced concrete arch bridge on the State road D106 connecting the mainland to island of Pag, is located in very aggressive maritime environment and its repair is planned in near future.
Visual inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT) on Maslenica Motorway Bridge was performed on 4 September 2018. Maslenica Bridge, reinforced concrete arch bridge on the Croatian A1 motorway, is located in very aggressive maritime environment and recently repaired.
Croatian National Group of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) expressed its support to the CODEbridges project. Basic information about the project have been published in IABSE Newsletter August 2018 and shared among IABSE members from 100 countries worldwide.
Visual inspection and non-destructive testing (NDT) on the Bridge across Krapina River in Žeinci was performed on 10 July 2018.
Ms. Josipa Bošnjak, PhD MEng. C.E., employed at University of Stuttgart - Materials Testing Institute (MPA) joined the CODEbridges project. She will be included in following tasks related to the laboratory testing of permeability of cracked concrete: (i)Preparation of concrete samples for laboratory testing; (ii) Preparation and implementation of the splitting tests (cracking of the specimens); (iii) Preparation and monitoring of the permeability measurements and (iv) Analysis and interpretation of results.
Several finite element models are created to simulate distribution of temperature, humidity, oxygen, heat, free and bound chlorides through cracked and un-cracked concrete before the reinforcement depassivation using the existing 3D chemo-hygro-thermo mechanical model.
One finite element model is created to simulate active corrosion after the reinforcement depassivation, including calculation of electric potential, current density, rust distribution and corrosion induced cracks using the existing 3D chemo-hygro-thermo mechanical model.
Marija Kušter Marić (project leader) visited University of Stuttgart – Institute of construction materials (IWB) on 11-14 June 2018 for the purposes of project meeting, laboratory experiments: Brazilian splitting tests and permeability of cracked concrete. The travel costs were fully covered by UKF grant. The achieved results of laboratory testing, non-destructive testing of bridges and numerical modelling using 3D chemo-hygro-thermo-mechanical model were analysed and further tasks were agreed by Marija Kušter Marić (project leader), prof. Joško Ožbolt (project co-leader) and Luka Lacković (project co-worker). During her stay at the University of Stuttgart, a meeting was held with dr. sc. Josipa Bošnjak, employed at Materials Testing Institute (MPA), during which Marija Kušter Marić presented the project activities and the planned research goals and potential collaboration   on the current and future projects have been discussed .
Visual inspection of the Bridge of Youth across Sava River in Zagreb and non-destructive testing (NDT) on its southwest and north approaching viaducts were performed from 23 May to 06 June 2018.
Project leader Marija Kušter Marić presented the project objectives and current results in paper titled: In-service performance of road concrete bridges – set up of case studies for novel pro-active maintenance methodology at the 5th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure (CETRA 2018) held on 17th - 19th May 2018 in Zadar, Croatia. CETRA is among the world's leading conferences for road and rail infrastructure, which brought together over 240 participants from 52 countries around the world this year.
Set up for splitting test at University of Stuttgart is established in order to generate cracks with width from 0.075 to 0.200 mm.
Visual inspection and NDT on the Homeland Bridge across Sava River in Zagreb was performed on 2-11 May 2018.
In framework of graduate course „Durability of Structures 1“ in structural engineering programme at University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil engineering a field work for students is organized on 11 May 2018 and connected with objectives of the CODEbridges project. Students have gained basic knowledge on non-destructive testing methods used in civil engineering and practical skill on application of certain testing method, analysis and interpretation of getting results.
Visual inspection of the Adriatic Bridge across Sava River in Zagreb was performed on 10-13 April 2018. NDT is scheduled for 18-25 April 2018.
Two members of the project group, Jelena Bleiziffer and Marija Kušter Marić, participated at the LIFE Thematic info day, held in Zagreb on 11th April  2018.
The NDT equipment, funded by the UKF, has been delivered on 4th April 2018. THe purchased NDT devices evaluates and determines: (i) concrete quality and uniformity; (ii) concrete damage and crack geometry; (iii) concrete resistivity and (iv) reinforcement quantity and electrical potential.
Project leader Marija Kušter Marić presented the project during the COST Action TU 1406 WG + MC meeting + Workshop, which took place from 01/03/2018 to 02/03/2018 at Wrocław University of Science and Technology in Poland. First presentation titled “ Quality specification for concrete bridges vulnerable to reinforcement corrosion ” was presented during the workshop and was focused on the project goals, methods and current results. Second presentation, titled: “ Environmental and climate performance indicators - gap between numerical analysis and reality ” was held at Innovation subgroup meeting focusing on research performance indicators. Cost Action TU 1406 brings together researchers, authorities and professional engineers dealing with Road Bridge control quality from 37 European countries and hence presents great platform to exchange ideas for potential future collaboration and joint proposals.
Project co-worker, prof. Ana Mandić Ivanković and  project leader, Marija Kušter Marić are included in organisation of the RILEM Spring Convention 2019 and International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures SMSS2019, which will be held in Rovinj, Croatia on 18 - 22 March 2019. Topics related to the CODEbridges objectives and goals are in focus of the mini symposium/segment  CHALLENGES IN DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF STRUCTURES .
The project leader, Marija Kušter Marić visited the University of Stuttgart – Institute of construction materials from 13 December to 15 December 2017. The visit was focused on planning of project activities related to laboratory experiments and numerical models using 3D chemo-hygro-thermo mechanical model with project co-leader professor Joško Ožbolt.
Conclusion of the Mayor of the City of Zagreb, Mr. Milan Bandić, on the signing of the Cooperation Agreement for the purpose of research and technological cooperation under the UKF project "Influence of concrete damage on reinforcement corrosion - computer simulation and in service performance of bridges”  is published in the Official Gazette of the City of Zagreb , No. 23 on 13 th December 2017.
Project goals, methods and results as well as relevant publications have been shared on the Research Gate. Follow us !